Art is a powerful tool we can all use to build resilience and feel better in a chaotic world. I try to sneak in a few minutes of art each day when life allows, and it always helps reset my mind, bringing calm and clarity. I love sharing tips and techniques to help others tap into their creativity, and I’ve got a few daily and weekly rituals that spark my own. Most take just ten minutes! Here are some of my favorites.
I keep a stack of index cards and blank postcards on my desk ready to go for making quick, small collages. I often use them to mail letters to friends or for Postcards To Voters. I try to make one every day (or at least every week), but it all depends on the season of life. The goal is to de-stress and feel joyful, and not to add more pressure.
These are made in ten(ish) minutes. I grab a pile of random papers from my scrap bin and work intuitively putting things together. As with most of my collages, I never know how it will turn out! You can see the before and after in some of the images below.
Another quick way to get a daily art making project in! I found these old Rolodex cards at a thrift store and thought they’d be great for making collages and saving quotes that inspire me.
I started this series as a way to honor my body and work through some health issues. Each collage pays tribute to a part of my body.